Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Grand Central Station in the sun

What this blog needs is less politics and more pictures. :)

Here's my view of the Main Hall from the top of the original (west?) staircase.

I looked back at the top of the staircase to get a closer view of the windows.

Detail from the original (west?) staircase

Detail from the alleged copy (east?) staircase, or they don't make 'em the way they used to

The hanging gardens of Grand Central

Hanging gardens, blue view
This is a daylight shot--at night, there's no light coming through these skylights, and they look pitch-black instead of blue.

Shira's Shots, Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Many thanks to our son for for helping us choose our new Canon PowerShot S95 camera. One of these days, I'll have to put it to the test by taking photos of Grand Central after sundown. Almost all of the post-sundown shots of Grand Central that I took with our old camera came out too dark to post. The old-camera photos in these posts made the cut because they're both daylight shots.



Blogger Leora said...

Next time I'm in Grand Central Station I will have to look in the interior as well.

"What this blog needs is less politics and more pictures. :)"
Good idea! Almost impossible to agree with folks on politics, but many of us like a nice pic or two.

Tue Jun 21, 05:39:00 PM 2011  
Blogger Shira Salamone said...

My personal recommendation is to make like a tourist and gawk--I've always thought that the interior of Grand Central Station was drop-dead gorgeous. To clarify my caption, I think it's not so much that no one does that kind of skilled craftswork--in the case of that photo, stonecutting--anymore as that few governments and/or organizations can afford to pay for it.

"Almost impossible to agree with folks on politics, . . . " Indeed. I published this photo post because my previous post, a political one, turned out to be more controversial that I had anticipated. Sigh.

Wed Jun 22, 11:45:00 AM 2011  

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